Our fully equipped workshop has a complete range of club making tools and is managed by our two Master Club Builders who provide world-class build services to local players and visitors to Bangkok. We are a fully certified Fujikura Charter Dealer, Certified KBS Fitting Center and are trusted by many of Thailand's Pro's and low handicap golfers to build, repair and customise their clubs. For detailed directions, visit our contact page, chat with us online or give us a call

New Club Assembly THB 500
Reshaft Club THB 400
Regrip (Buy Grip From Us) THB 100
Regrip (Grip From Elsewhere) THB 200
Save Grip +100 (waived for grips bought from us)
Loft & Lie Check Per Club THB 100
Loft & Lie Adjustment Per Club THB 200
Check/Adjustment Full Set THB 1,500
Check & Adjustment Putter THB 300
Lenghten Club THB 300
Shorten Club THB 200
Weigh Club THB 100

Our Master Club Builders have extensive experience and were trained by the pioneer of club fitting and building in Asia - golf industry veteran, Nathan Hauser. Your clubs will be built to the same high standards and tolerances that Tour Pro's have come to expect.