Thailand's highest golf component retail studio! With over 5,000 of golf's most sought after shafts, grips, putters, heads and components, you might never come down from our 20th floor equipment paradise!

Located just minutes from Thaniya Plaza, Golf Shafts Thailand's retail studio is the place to go if you're looking for a new shaft, set of irons, driver, wood or putter. With every Fujikura USA and Japan Model shaft available, together with thousands of other shafts, grips and heads, our 20th floor retail space is an equipment junkies paradise. If you're not sure what you're after, setup a fitting session with our Pro and Master Club Fitter and Builder in our 4th Floor Fitting Bay.

Golf Shafts Thailand is trusted to supply golf's biggest brands including Fujikura, PXG, Evnroll, LA Golf, SuperStroke, The Grip Master, KBS and more