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A Quick Nine With...Vaughan Mason from BJM Putter Grips

A Quick Nine With...Vaughan Mason from BJM Putter Grips

Mandy Chan |

This month we tee off with Kiwi Vaughan Mason, Founder of BJM Putter Grips...

1. Tell us how BJM came about?
The BJM Hold science came about through my study of the science of movement and how we move a club through space, the order of the movement and how the order creates power and consistency based on a specific task, in this case it was about holing more putts on a consistent basis. To do this I started at the end, what is an effective ball roll and contact, next question was what factors create this ball roll and contact and lastly what mechanics/movements were the primary influencer on those factors.

2. What were/are some of the biggest challenges in getting the brand started/keeping the brand relevant?
I’d have to say tradition. What I mean is golfers don’t like change, we’ve held the putter a certain way for so long and been using traditional putter grips for almost as long and people are stuck in that mind set, they refuse to break tradition even though no one can tell you why we hold a putter with the reverse overlap holding system or why the traditional putter grips are designed they way they are. Convincing golfers that the reverse overlap is old hat and not backed by any science is the hardest message to get across.

3. How can the average golfer benefit from using your grips?
That’s Easy, to learn the BJM hold science is fast and can be done by watching the online videos, it’s a simple as PALMS UP - EXTEND - BEND. Once you have the Kotahi putter grip it’s hard to go wrong. What this holding system and the Kotahi putter grip do is reduce mobility in the joints of the hands and arms, so basically where you aim the putter face is where you’re going to hit the ball. Result is hiking more putts.

4. Who/what do you owe your success to?
Jeez there’s so many factors, but firstly I must thank the distributors, they’ve got behind the BJM holding system and Kotahi putter grips 100% and used there valuable time to spread the word. I also think the people that have encouraged me to keep going, I’ve been working on  this system for over 25 years, piecing it together bit by bit, I’ve made heaps of mistakes and gone down many roads that have lead to dead ends.

5. Tell us something about you and/or BJM that the general public wouldn't know
Oh cool ok. Well I didn’t have a name for the Holding system so I named it after my youngest daughter Brindy Jinine Mason. The Kotahi putter grip was named by a good friend of mine, Kotahi Is a NZ Maori name and  means number 1, or used in a sentence it means we are strong as one, which I thought was appropriate as it explains the strength behind using science with technique and bringing them together.

6. Your best golf joke or real life golf story?!
Ah haha ok, well when I was playing tournaments for a living the guys nick named me out-board, as in out-board motor on a boat, the reason why is because an out-board motor goes putt, putt, putt, putt. I was a terrible putter back then, I just wish I had this BJM Holding system and Kotahi putter grip back then. One other time I’m playing the NZ open and before putting a 10 foot putt for birdie I saw my caddy on his knees preying, when I enquire what he was doing he answered “I’m preying” when I said what for? He said “that you don’t 3 putt this again, it’s getting embarrassing” well I 3 putted it!

7. Your dream foursome?
Ah I’d like to play with Adam Scott, Ernie Els, Mike Tyson. Ernie uses our Kotahi putter grip so I’d like to play with him. Adam needs a Kotahi putter grip and Mike cause I just simply think he’s cool

8. What one piece of advice would you tell yourself when you were starting up?
Use your head and question everything, I wish I had questioned the reverse overlap putting hold earlier.

9. What can we expect from BJM in 2020 and beyond?
I’d like to get the message out to the mass golfing community that there’s a better way to putt. Let’s get your putting going.

For more information about BJM Putter Grips, visit

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Check out some videos of Vaughan explaining the BJM Hold System and BJM Kotahi Grips: